The following year saw the birth of his first superhero team, even older than the Keepers, the earliest iteration of which dates back only to 2016. In 2011, he created the Supernova. It was the most basic of superhero universes (if you can even call it a universe) with a number of Superman ripoffs, Superboy notwithstanding. He was joined by Astroboy, the lone survivor of the planet Konospolis. As for the rest of them (Xboy, Captain Impossible, Powerboy, and Multiboy), they were empty vessels occupying space, hardly characters.
Fast forward to July 2021, and Peyton and his friend/co-worker Aidan Glover, an artist, built the steppingstones of the biggest step of their young careers: Volition Comics. It was born out of an effort to adapt the Keepers Universe into a comic series; Aidan's Kawaii Zombie was also added into the mix, becoming out first major release in April 2022. Seeing how the Keepersverse was progressing, Peyton knew he had to get back to work on The Supernova Five eventually, yet he put it off for as long as he could, juggling school and work. However, a story with such a potent message, a theme more important than ever, he got back on his horse. One page at a time, he chipped away at it and moved towards the finish line. Meanwhile, Aidan was working on some cover art for the project. It took a few months from the first sketch to the final product, but it is nothing short of iconic. Definitive.
The project is slated for a Christmas 2023 release. |